Emmerdale – Jack Downham – “Noah”
Jack’s first job was as the face of Whiskas Cat food in a worldwide TV commercial…the cat was sacked for scratching him but the ad ran for years.
At the age of 5 he had a of small part in “Spooks-Code 9” followed by “Heartbeat” where he happily did his own “stunts” over and over again – the crew loved him.
Jack then went on to work with acclaimed director Ridley Scott when he was cast as the young Robin in Universal’s “Robin Hood”starring Russell Crowe. He probably holds the record for the longest distance travelled for a costume fitting as the magnificent set and unit base was in South Wales….a sixteen hour round trip.
In 2009 Jack played Tiny Tim in “Scrooge the Musical” with Tommy Steel .
He has played the part of Charity’s troubled son “Noah” for thirteen years.